Welcome to Xero

Join the team and have the freedom to shape your career. Be proud of the work you do helping small businesses succeed.

Careers at Xero

Our values

The Xero values – human, ownership, challenge, beautiful and team – underpin the way we work and interact with each other and the world.

Our values
Two Xero colleagues smiling and chatting whilst walking together to a meeting

Xero vacancies

Come and help us do beautiful work as part of an energized and talented team.

Our vacancies
Two people working on laptops on orange couches.

Xero offices

Take a look at where we are and join us at one of our global offices.

Our offices
Office workers walking up a stairwell.


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Learn more about working at Xero
Two Xero employees, both wearing staff tee shirts, work together on a laptop

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We’re passionate about helping small businesses succeed. Follow our social channels for stories and updates from Xero.

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